Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Rose By Any Other Name

This is some what connected to my favorite cookbook post. But not entirely. This woman has many books to her name. But it is her non-condescending approach that makes me like her. Nobody hates a snobby vegetarian/vegan. We all do what we do for our own reasons, and we should not be judged for that. (My daughter keeps reminding me of this...yeah my daughter).
This book is filled with pages of foods broken down into categories and each item has a small description. Then there is a section after the colorful photos that explains the how's and the why's to those items you just drooled over. Who knew there were that many different types of pasta and that each pasta shape has a purpose. Again...who knew. If you get the chance, find her book and buy it. This is one to have in your library, but not just for the recipes. I love it for the easy to understand pages that are filled with veggies and the such.

I picked up her book, guess where? Yeah at either a garage sales, library get-rid-of section or someplace where I know I did not pay top price. I rarely if ever try to do that. I just found Rose Elliot's book on Amazon, in hardcover for $2.90. How cool is that? Obviously very cool. But her website is just as inviting. Plain no nonsense type or woman. Her website is well laid out and easy to navigate.
Check her out and see what she can tell you, for there is plenty of information there to digest.

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