Thursday, September 25, 2008


This recipe is common in the Latin cooking world. How do I know this? Well, being married to a Cuban for 27 years is a big plus. The portions can change from region to region and home to home, but the outcome is the same, to space a pot of dry beans. Use this in any pot of beans that require a Latin flavor.

1/2 small-medium onion(give or take and roughly chopped)
1/2 small-medium green pepper(give or take roughly chopped)
1-2 cloves of garlic peeled
Food processor or blender
Small amount of water; set aside
Place all ingredients in the blender/processor except the water. Puree all ingredients. If it is too thick, then slowly add water, 1-2 tablespoons at a time. You want it to have some substance, but not thin like pancake batter. Once the sofrito becomes pourable(I made that word up) then you are ready to go. Here is a great tip I have learned over the years. Silly as it may sound when you read it, it has been how a judge a good batch of sofrito.

If you look at your batch and smell it. It should be a nice Kermit the Frog green and smell wickedly like onions. If it is the other way around then you need to make adjustments. It has gotten me through many a great pot of beans.

1 comment:

River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

Got it - it should look and smell like Kermit with onion breath :)

Thanks for sharing, this sounds like a great base for so many dishes!